Teens Bereaved by Suicide -- Moving Forward When You Feel Left Behind: Interview with Jason Holzer | Episode 47

Teens Bereaved by Suicide

When a teen loses a loved one to suicide, the intense reactions can be overwhelming, and sometimes the caring adults don’t know what to do to help. Teens who are already feeling the pressure of school and social expectations can be very challenged in navigating the complexity of suicide bereavement. In this interview, Jason shares his journey from surviving to thriving after losing his Dad to suicide when he was 17.

About Jason Holzer

Jason grew up in Missouri in a loving family. At age 17, however, his life was changed forever on May 8, 2003, when his Dad died by suicide. Later Jason found a calling for resilience through his faith and vocation as a teacher and basketball coach to #Act2Impact. He strives to make meaning out of his loss to positively impact others and them them overcome the lasting impact of a suicide death. Today his is a speaker and the author of the book, “Shattered by Suicide: Renewed by Resilience.”

Jason Holzer picture.jpg

Show Notes

About Jason’s Book

BOOK: Shattered by Suicide — Renewed by Resilience: How to Move Forward after Being Left Behind https://www.amazon.com/Shattered-Suicide-Renewed-Resilience-Forward-ebook/dp/B07Y5Y5H3V

BOOK TRAILER: https://youtu.be/DEePxORAth4

Suicide Grief Resources for Teens

Dougy Center — Supporting Teens after a Suicide Death https://www.dougy.org/grief-resources/tip-sheets/supporting-children-and-teens-after-a-suicide-death/1926/

Judi’s House https://www.judishouse.org/

Eluna Network https://elunanetwork.org/

AFSP Returning to School after a Suicide Loss https://afsp.org/returning-school-suicide-loss-teens/

Death of a Teen Friend http://www.griefspeaks.com/id89.html