Strengthening Suicide Prevention Efforts through Caring for the Caregivers: Interview with Johanna Louie | Episode 108

Did you know?

More than half of all adults know someone who has fought suicidal intensity (Harris Poll). When it comes to caregiving - suicide is different. Ample research about caregiving stress exists, but often this is underestimated when the caregiving role is about suicide. Thus, there is a gap in awareness, support and resources.

Our guest, Johanna Louie and her co-founder Daniela Zanich sought to fill that gap with — free digital resources that put the needs of the caregiver at the center of the conversation.

About Johanna Louie

Johanna Louie is a licensed social worker passionate about caring for caregivers. She holds Master’s Degrees in Social Work from Columbia University and Applied Psychology from the University of Southern California. In 9+ years of working in suicide prevention, she has served in roles like crisis line manager and mental health therapist, and directed clinical training programs. In 2018, she co-founded Suicide Is Different with Daniela Zanich which aimed to address gaps in resources for caregivers who are supporting someone experiencing suicidal thoughts. To date, Suicide Is Different's online modules have been used by over 18k people in 15+ countries.

Show Notes

About “Suicide in Different”

Twitter: @suicideisdiff
Instagram: @suicideisdifferentorg

Suicide First Aid

Self-Care Toolkit

Resource Directory

Free microlearning course on Suicide Caregiver (Developed in collaboration with EdApp)

Blog written for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline crisis center network (How formal caregivers such as crisis workers can use the resource)

Presentation for the Los Angeles Suicide Prevention Network Summit (How formal caregivers working in county mental health and administrators can use the resource)

Additional Resources and Research


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