Psychological safety

Connecting the Dots - Inclusion and Mental Health Culture Change at Work: Interview with Dan Lester | Ep 12

Connecting the Dots - Inclusion and Mental Health Culture Change at Work: Interview with Dan Lester | Ep 12

In this episode, I speak with the Vice President of Field Culture and Inclusion at Clayco, Dan Lester. Dan is also a tireless mental health advocate. In our conversation, we start to connect these workplace challenges in meaningful ways and get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Three takeaways:

1.    Work to see ALL of the people around you. Even the ones that push you out of your comfort zone.

2.    Get in the game. Behave until you believe. 

3.    Don't forget about yourself. You are the answer to your problems. 

Employee Engagement & Workplace Mental Health: Interview with Joaquin Diaz | Ep 4

Employee Engagement & Workplace Mental Health: Interview with Joaquin Diaz | Ep 4

Recruiting and retaining emerging talent is one of the biggest challenges facing employers today. Many try to sweeten the deal with higher salaries and impressive benefits, but one place that cannot be overlooked is the quality of mental health in a workplace. In this podcast, I interview Joaquin Diaz, the EHS Director for Skanska USA Building Inc. He shares their holistic approach to worker health and safety and the impact it has had on retention.

His top three tips for reducing resignation rates and cultivating workplace wellbeing:

  1. Change the conversation in your organization.

  2. Manage the flexibility needed to maintain a healthy workforce.

  3. Increase engagement about external and internal risk factors of mental health.

Headspace for the Workplace -- Greetings from Dr. Sally | Ep 1

Headspace for the Workplace -- Greetings from Dr. Sally | Ep 1

In our brain-based economy, we depend on fully engaged, mentally healthy teams. Organizations that have figured this out not only have a competitive advantage, they are awesome places to work. If you want to be able to recruit and retain emerging talent, this podcast will give you the tools that let them know their workplace cares about them.

Psychological safety goes beyond just a fear of making mistakes or suggesting new ideas — it’s really a deep feeling of trust. Psychologically safe environments are where people believe “you have my back” in all areas: when I am learning, when I feel different than others, and when I am having a very difficult time.

Psychologically safe and healthy workplaces actively seek to promote workers’ emotional health and prevent psychosocial hazards due to workplace factors.

Most people who die by suicide or overdose are of working age, making the workplace arguably the most cross cutting system for suicide prevention, addiction recovery and mental health promotion. And yet, workplaces are often underprepared and react rather than respond when faced with mental health emergencies.

Take a listen to the lessons learned and actionable take-aways to promote mental health and wellbeing and support people through tough times – at work.